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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Obama's Back-to-School Speech

This upcoming Tuesday, President Obama plans to give an address to school-aged children, many of which have just begun—or will be starting—the 2009-2010 school year. Already the opposition, such as Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty (Rep.), are crying foul. They’re saying this speech, designed to encourage kids to study hard and stay in school, is but a way to further Obama’s political agenda.

Anyone who knows me well knows how I feel about Obama and his left-of-center agenda. But that’s not the point. On this one I have to side with White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs when he describes opposition as “Silly season.”

Regardless of who the president of the United States is, understanding that president and the issues he stands for should be an integral part of any child’s education. The system of government that this nation is built upon is one of her greatest strengths, and what better way for kids to learn about it than by observing it in action?

And it’s not like Obama hasn’t already given full disclosure. The speech will be available online Monday for anyone to read. If parents screen it and then feel there’s something objectionable, they have every right to opt their child out. Many school districts are glazing over the issue—fearing the strong opinions showing or not showing it may dredge up—with excuses such as scheduling conflicts: Students may be at lunch or gym. So have them watch it at lunch. Or cancel gym for a day and herd everyone into the auditorium for an assembly and show it on the big screen. And with DVRs, VCRs, and plenty of other recording media, it can always be shown at a later date.

Kids deserve not just to learn about America from the pages of a Social Studies textbook (although this is important). They need to see America in action, and I think it is a noble choice President Obama has made to give a speech to some of America’s often overlooked younger citizens. Who knows—with his supposed fine rhetoric—what Obama may inspire among the future leaders of America?

The Republican Party needs to quit these petty attacks and show a little bit of bipartisanship. Besides, how is Obama really going to impress his agenda on school kids? (Some high-schoolers near voting age may be more impressionable.) I can hear it now: “Kids, tell mommy and daddy to call their congressman and encourage them to vote in favor of my healthcare reforms or else you might not get to see the doctor anymore…” Get real. To kids, all they know of healthcare is: you get the sniffles, see the doctor, get some medicine and a lollypop; done deal. For a change, I support what our prez is doing, and think the Republicans would do well to layoff the petty criticism.

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Hiking, writing, photography--these are things I love...Camelbloggin brings it all together and serves as a memento of every adventure I embark on.
